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Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know. 

Betsy is an NYC-based designer, owner of Affordable Interior Design, and has been featured on DIY Network, NBC's "Today Show", HGTV, Lifetime, and more. She is the author of the best-selling book, Big Design, Small Budget. Get a signed copy of Betsy's book here


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Nov 4, 2022

Betsy Helmuth discusses premium membership, recent webinar success, and encourages taking leaps in life. She announces a November giveaway, shares her house renovation challenges, and answers listener questions on bedroom chandeliers and living room decor. Plus, new YouTube and social media links.

0:00 Introduction to premium membership
1:17 Opening remarks and webinar success
4:12 Encouragement to take personal and professional leaps
5:30 Announcing a giveaway for November
6:43 Addressing personal house renovation challenges
10:56 Responding to listener letter from Christina
15:26 Responding to listener letter from Sue about bedroom chandelier
20:20 Responding to listener letter from Elizabeth about living room decor
28:51 Announcing YouTube channel and social media links

- You don't need a high-end designer or a lot of money to achieve a luxurious look in your home. 
- Taking leaps and trying new things, like Betsy did with her first webinar, can be energizing and lead to personal growth. 
- When decorating, consider incorporating a variety of textures and materials to create a balanced and visually interesting space.

Additional show notes:

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