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Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know. 

Betsy is an NYC-based designer, owner of Affordable Interior Design, and has been featured on DIY Network, NBC's "Today Show", HGTV, Lifetime, and more. She is the author of the best-selling book, Big Design, Small Budget. Get a signed copy of Betsy's book here


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Apr 28, 2015

Betsy Helmuth announces an online class bundle and dives into rental chic tips. She offers advice on bedroom furniture investments, answers caller questions about flooring and lighting, and gives recommendations for noise reduction and soundproofing shared walls. Plus, Betsy shares her top illumination picks and...

Apr 21, 2015

Betsy Helmuth discusses bedroom beautification, offering a controversial design tip and answering listener questions about bedroom colors and diagonal bed placement. She shares recommendations for wallpaper, lighting, and bedding to create a luxurious space. Episode concludes with a sponsor mention and YouTube channel...

Apr 14, 2015

Betsy Helmuth discusses the benefits of premium membership, shares tips on creating cozy spaces inspired by Starbucks, and offers advice on making short-term apartments feel like home. She also talks about prioritizing rooms on a budget and announces a new YouTube channel and social media pages.

0:00 Premium membership...