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Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know. 

Betsy is an NYC-based designer, owner of Affordable Interior Design, and has been featured on DIY Network, NBC's "Today Show", HGTV, Lifetime, and more. She is the author of the best-selling book, Big Design, Small Budget. Get a signed copy of Betsy's book here


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Feb 23, 2021

Betsy Helmuth discusses premium membership perks, spring excitement, post-COVID travel dreams, and answers listener questions. She emphasizes the importance of five-star reviews, offers business advice to Kara, talks about home significance during crises, and addresses Airbnb design challenges and living room design...

Feb 16, 2021

Betsy Helmuth discusses premium membership perks, spring excitement, post-COVID travel dreams, and answers listener questions. She emphasizes the importance of five-star reviews, offers business advice to Kara, talks about home significance during crises, and addresses Airbnb design challenges and living room design...

Feb 9, 2021

Betsy Helmuth discusses winter settings, home office challenges, and binge-watching recommendations. She answers listener questions on drapery selection and art placement in bedrooms, shares premium member benefits, and announces a new YouTube channel and special offers.

0:00 Premium membership introduction
1:26 Winter...

Feb 3, 2021

Betsy Helmuth welcomes listeners and introduces guest Caitlin Callahan, who discusses her role in hotel design, differences in fabric types and care, guidelines for hotel furniture design, and new trends in flame retardant fabrics. Caitlin also shares her background in textile conservation.

0:00 Introduction to premium...