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Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know. 

Betsy is an NYC-based designer, owner of Affordable Interior Design, and has been featured on DIY Network, NBC's "Today Show", HGTV, Lifetime, and more. She is the author of the best-selling book, Big Design, Small Budget. Get a signed copy of Betsy's book here


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May 19, 2015

Betsy Helmuth discusses the importance of kitchen cleanliness and offers tips on designing a clean kitchen. She answers caller questions about backsplashes and cabinet handles, shares a personal kitchen organization dilemma, previews the next episode, and announces a new YouTube channel.

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May 12, 2015

Betsy discusses renter dilemmas, sage for energy clearing, and answers Jessica's floor plan and design timeline query. She also advises Katie on budget allocation for rental furniture. Betsy shares her personal rental experience and announces a new YouTube channel and social media links.


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May 5, 2015

Betsy Helmuth discusses open floor plan challenges, offers tips on embracing open concept layouts, and answers caller questions about differentiating living and dining areas and choosing wall colors. She also shares a design confession about using curtains to divide office space.

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